Birth yourself, first.
Spiritual Self Development and Conscious Creation Training
Create magical things in the place
Where Life Meets Light.
I specialize in supporting awakening souls that are ready to rise above the world in its current state, who want to birth a new creation, or just want to grow and want more than talk therapy. The work I offer guides you back to your true divine nature and gives you tools to move from feeling heavy or stuck to shouting, “I've not only got this but I really can experience divine magic in this creation!"
This important inner work cannot be explained, only experienced. It moves you beyond the mind into something more real and fulfilling. More you.
Discover a new way to make your soul lighter so you can bring your very best into a world that so dearly and desperately needs your light.
Let Your HIGHER SELF Guide You.
I teach curious seeking souls (like you) how to work with your own energy & spirit to co-create the life you were born for.
As someone who works with words professionally, I find it difficult to express the depth, significance and meaning that Elisabeth Manning has given to me, to my heart, to my life. I worked with her for a year and a half from across the world in Italy, connected to her blindly, only by the strength of her own powerful energy field and a closed-video Skype call. I was one of the tricky clients. Very willing, very determined but blocked beyond belief, stubborn as hell, untrusting of change and a huge doubter of the Divine in any context. As I kicked, screamed and pouted and cried through the process of breaking down my own energetic and spiritual barriers, Elisabeth held me as no one in my life ever had— she believed in me, she supported me, she continued to shine light and love all over me, even when I was creating nothing more than a cloud of thick black toxic smoke. I can not thank this woman— or the universe, or God— enough. It is through her that I started my entire true journey inward; a raucous, bumpy, unexpectedly funny ride that has brought me not to motherhood, but to an even sweeter spot I never knew existed: Love of the Self. Many of Elisabeth’s infertile clients become pregnant after working with her. I did not. But through our crucial work together, I managed to give birth to so much more, including a new business that was conceived in love and joy. I am now mother to over 12 employees, juggling the life of a fashion designer, writer and vintage lover with the much more crucial task of being authentic to myself— my higher self, my divine self— on a daily basis. I thank her from the bottom of my heart. This humble woman, beautifully cloaked in light and love— is the real deal.

Working with Elisabeth was a game-changer for me! The investment was absolutely worth finding my creative passion - and my sanity - again.
- Pamela, Interior Designer
Self- Paced COURSE
DIVINE MAGIC: Co-Create with Your Higher Self for Mamas, Creatives & Entrepreneurs
Spark your co creative potential with this unique course to help you access your power to heal yourself and live the life you were born for. Requires time alone for inner work and a desire to grow..
Elisabeth’s conscious conception work is highly important not only for fertility but for the future of humanity. Keep up the great work Elisabeth!
- Dr. Bruce Lipton, Cell Biologist and Author, Biology of Belief
Meditate with Light
The quickest way to transformation of anything, especially heavy emotional pain, is through meditation. Try this easy, simple waterfall meditation to clear your mind and soul, and expand’ into your spirit for a renewing, soothing, healing experience. (This meditation is used by all clients, students and practitioners to use our method)